Happy birthday jen part 2
Jen had her brithday party today. Despite being suspicous of a trap, most of the networkers showed up. We met with Jen's church and school friends and did introductions while hiding in her room to suprise her. An unfortunate switch in fate lead to jen finding our location, but we recovered and suprised her all the same. We laughed and hung out while she celebrated her birthdday. She now stands as the only person I know to want and recieve glassware for her birthday. Her fellow networkers were'nt so sophisticated... we got her "Walter the Farting Dog" for her biirthday. It's a strange picture book about, you guessed it, a farting dog. She seemed to enjoy it troughly and I suppose it'll become a running joke around the office for a while. Ah well, at least she had a good b-day.

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