Location: Fresno, California, United States

I'm a Christian Swordfighter and Renfaire actor living in California. I'm just trying to make my place in this world and achieve God's purpose in my life.

Thursday, February 02, 2006

Kindergarten Rocks

Ok...Picture this:

I'm standing and watching Yard duty during lunch. The older kids are playing a massive soccer/football/catapult game I call "bombardment". The younger girls are forming a herd of noisy horse to the east and the younger boys are drawing lightsabers to ambush them. A few kids loiter on the basketball court and the kindergarteners are everywhere.

One kindergartener in paticular, is only a few feet from me. She is having a blast of a time trying to stand on her head and looking at the world upside down. This is pretty normal for a child, so I simply maintain my viligance on the Bombardment game as the footballs, soccerball and lone tetherball fly across the field.

My concentration is soon lost as the once nearby kindergartener is now tugging on my leg. She has a very frightened look on her face and I immediately bend down to see what is troubling her.

Her response:

"Mr. Burt! Mr. Burt! I was standing upside down and the whole world turned upside down! The grass was on top and the sky's turned to water and it's going to drowned us!"

The poor thing had thought she had completely bent reality by standing upside down. She was so convinced of this facet, that she did not even realize that she was now rightside up. What simple belief. Kids are really blessed here...If God told me I could change the world by standing on my head, I'd probably laugh at him. No wonder God beats it over our heads to be more childlike all the time. A child is infinity more ready for ministry than we are.

What an interesting irony that we have the bodies for ministry work, but lack the will. Having lived so long in the world we become accustomed to controlling it and releasing that control to God is one of the hardest things we will ever do. How do you place a decision, a relationship, an event, or God forbid, a human life into his hands? We speak of willingness all the time, but how hard it is to put it into practice. God asks me all the time to let things be handled by his hands, but I still snatch away as many things as possible from his reach.

This child, has in her own way, revealed something important in my own life. Just because I do not want something to be possible does not mean God can't or won't do it. It just means I'm being stubborn.

It is amazing what these kids teach me. I really have found a place her in Children's education and have recently made the decision to pursue it has a life goal. Oh I still believe in the art of the binary and the strength of the computer in telling stories...But I have been called here and that makes me happy.

what to do with all these computer manuals though?


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