Location: Fresno, California, United States

I'm a Christian Swordfighter and Renfaire actor living in California. I'm just trying to make my place in this world and achieve God's purpose in my life.

Thursday, April 06, 2006

Prayer Labyrinth

I had an utterly interesting experience at bible study today. I received a message today stating that bible study was tonight and was being held at the church. Now I've been going to bible study for over a year and noone's ever bothered to contact me to find out if I was actually coming or not, so I was pretty intrigued. When I and a handful of other students showed up, we were presented with what Greg labeled a 'prayer labyrinth'. The labyrinth is supposed to date back to the early days of Christianity, but has an awful lot of modern touches to it. It was, however, doubtlessly a unique experience.

Imagine standing at the beginning of a small maze. New Ageish music is playing trough some headphones on your ears and the lights are dimmed except for a few spare candles placed here and there. You move trough the 'labyrinth' on your own, stopping at one of several points. Each point contains an object, ranging from a mirror to mere sand. The CD remonstrates an object lesson for each point, allowing you to meditate on the lesson and it's meaning to you. The labyrinth leads slowly inwards to a center point, where communion and a prayer is held, and back outward for more points of reflection. While definitely inspired by new age Meditative techniques, the is no devaluing the reflection that the labyrinth can give you. Questions about who and what I am and my legacy were presented and answers sought in prayer. It will take time for myself to understand the answer to my questions, but it was nice to be in an environment where they could come to the surface and be recognized.

I also received some insight on Sundays unfortunate event, but I still lack an idea of proper resolution. It is simply one of those things in life that have no easy answer.


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