It's like ...Serenity....
"Attetion passengers, we are currently experiencing turbulence. Please strap yourselves in as it will be a bumpy ride before we all explode and die"
I got into the Serendity premier tonight :). I won't spoil the movie, but it was a very good watch. For those unfamiliar with the Firefly TV series, It's a scifi/western mix about a crew of ex-rebels who do odd jobs both legal and illegal in the border worlds. The action is very oriented towards western-style shootouts and some great lines. The whole attitude of the show is a lot of fun and I've been a fan of it for a while now.
Some great lines from the movie:
"You don't really expect us to live through this do you" - Kayla
(pouts) "Well I was kinda hoping I would" - Jayne
"Don't worry captain....You can talk freely, I am unarmed" - Assassin
"Good" - Captain Mal, who then pulls a gun out a blows him away
"How bad is it?" -Mal
"Oh God, Oh God We're all gonna die?" - Wash