Wandersoul's journey

Location: Fresno, California, United States

I'm a Christian Swordfighter and Renfaire actor living in California. I'm just trying to make my place in this world and achieve God's purpose in my life.

Saturday, July 30, 2005

Camping day

what a day, today was the family camping trip. I left about 9:00 pm last night to arrive at the camp site about 11:00 pm. I spent the day with the children and adults alike, helping watch and playing games. We spent time at Hulme lake and swam in it for quite a while. The kids were mostly in my age group, so I had a lot of fun swimming and hanging out with them. The kids were happy and had a blast. It was a little tiring, but it was nice to connect with some of the adults and thier kids.

Friday, July 29, 2005

Happy birthday jen part 2

Jen had her brithday party today. Despite being suspicous of a trap, most of the networkers showed up. We met with Jen's church and school friends and did introductions while hiding in her room to suprise her. An unfortunate switch in fate lead to jen finding our location, but we recovered and suprised her all the same. We laughed and hung out while she celebrated her birthdday. She now stands as the only person I know to want and recieve glassware for her birthday. Her fellow networkers were'nt so sophisticated... we got her "Walter the Farting Dog" for her biirthday. It's a strange picture book about, you guessed it, a farting dog. She seemed to enjoy it troughly and I suppose it'll become a running joke around the office for a while. Ah well, at least she had a good b-day.

Happy birthday Jen!

Bwhahaha. Two great events today. First I was put in charge of the Thursday night networker meeting, which proceeded completely off schedule, but turnedout ok. Dinner was a realtive success and I ate far to many deviled eggs mmmmm.....deviled eggs...... There was also a moderate success during discussion, altough we did'nt get a lot acheived. It was'nt a huge success, but it was'nt a total disaster, so I'm grateful.

Our second event was far more devious. We waited until 2:00 A.M. and then snuck into the Dull's home and kidnap Jen and tossed her in the pool. Bwahahaha. She did'nt expect a thing. I was laughing the whole time we video taped it.

Happy 18th birthday Jen!

Wednesday, July 27, 2005

Bubble study

Excellent day today. The networker team seemed to be in a better mood today. All the guys except for myself are on a backpacking trip with the junior and senior high school guys. I'm feeling a little overinduated with feminsim, but I'll survive. We've decided on trekking up to yosimite this weekend if we can. I'll have to get the guys organized when they come back.

Other than that our bubble study (Joan of Arc for the 1-3rd graders) went well and my teamates were a huge help as always. We did a skit on Joan's calling and her battle at Orleans. (We had to leave out the whole burning at the stake for wearing pants thing) The girls seemed to like the idea of a christian woman who fought and they all enjoyed whacking me with a big PVC and Foam sword for the activity. We had a great time and enjoyed ourselves immensly. A big bonus came at the end when we went to our cars and found the Em's host dad had filled her car with a couple hundred balloons as a joke.

I'm gonna miss this summer so much. I've learned alot about assoicating and (gulp) relying on others as well as leaving things in God hands. I'm gonna miss my fellow networkers terribly, especially those whom I won't see afterwards. Who knew so many christians like me where in this area?

Sunday, July 24, 2005

Hello stress


I am such an idiot. I tried planning writing and executing a bubble study all by myself. This was stupid. This was made even stupider by the fact I let the first three plannign days blow by becuase I was worrying about that idiot rumor and letting it stress me out rather than concentrating. Oh, and I had extra assigments already. You think I would've delgated some tasks, but I was too busy worrying to even consider it. Ah well, the lesson didgo off well and some help from my teamates prevented total disaster. I was so stressed coming home from church that I had to have one of my 'god talks' in the car. a 'God Talk' is a prayer of sorts, only I adress God directly without the use of pronouns and jsut say what I'm feeling. The whole day had been a lesson in humilty and leaving things in God's hands.

Thank the Lord that he's way more stubborn than I am.

Friday, July 22, 2005


Very good day. But I'm not giving any details. Bwhahahah!

Wednesday, July 20, 2005


I've had a descion I've been brewing on for a little while now, one of many. WHat is different is the revalation today that everybody and thier brother in the office knows about one of my personal ones. It would appear that I would be the only one who tought it was a secret. I am pretty embarssed and very agiatated at this turn of events and am starting to doubt my orginal desiscion on the matter. I appriciate people's concern for me, but I feel utterly humilated. THe stress from this issue and from the normal networker routine is driving me nuts. How did everone find out?

Tuesday, July 19, 2005


Back Again. Remembering to Journal is getting tough. It was a pretty good day all things considered Maureen is feeling a little better and Andrea will be resting for a few days. The trip left me very emotionally drained and a little worried. I've become so close to my fellow networkers that I don't recall ever feeling so comfortable around other humans. While I will see some of the networkers in and out, many I may never see again. It leads me to wonder if there are other people in the church as nice as my fellow interns. Some of the college group have treated me nicely, but there is little if any common ground between us. I suppose that I will have to find or make some common ground. It is impossible to replace friends forged as deeply as these and I have no intention of ever doing so, but I have realized that part of my problem of standing alone has been my own choice. God has shown so much I need to change, it could drive a poor clansman nuts.