What a great way to end the Season :) The action started right off the cuff, with the Dublin Garrison showing up to deliver a message containing long letter and...a human head... IT turned out Tigre Ui'Niall's brother had been arrested for cattle rustling and summilarly executed with certain parts sent to certain places (I'll spare you the details). This lead to the messagers being tied up (back-to-back, with a apple in their mouths.) We were going to send them to their captain, but the constanble happened to want to know why several armed Irishmen and two tied Englishmen were walking about the shire(especially seeing as we were in England at the time) Unable to persecute them according to Irish law, we then warily handed them over to the English constanables under charges of murder. (still tied up)
Laughing merrily, we proceeded to make a fool of ourselves by:
*Marching like the guards from the
Wizard of Oz (goose steps)
*Having a Mug and sword fight
*reenacting WWII scenes with an English Halbard
*Watching Thurmond harass RJ the fire eater/juggler for shouting "free Beer" (as a joke) by demeaning actual Beer
* throwing spear at the jousting targets
We then proceeded to court to present our charges against the Dublin Garrison. I held the grisly evidence while
Dun Tare (Tigre Ui'Niall) made his case and pressed charges of murder. The Dublin Garrison commander of course, denied everything and mocked the lord Ui'Niall. Tigre then assaulted the Garrison commander and the constanable, while our valiant Irishmen charged the English Garrison. The Royal court dived for cover as the scene quickly became a complete brawl. After breaking from a fist fight with a pair of Englishmen, I had to pull out with my fellow kennochs and make an ordely retreat. Unfortunately the darned English brought muskets, so we had to completely book it. While we did lose the battle, we mysteriously had gained possion of the Garrison lord's sword and several other English weapons. :) We the proceeded to start a game where the whole encampment would dive for cover and hide whenever the royal court proceeded by.
eventually the Dublin Garrison decided to follow up their minor victory by attacking the encampment. I almost got a chance to re-engage Master Black, but had to settle for some English pirate who thought he was some kind of dual-knife wielding ninja. Things got rougher when I realized that the Ninja-Pirate had not been fully trained for live steel fighting. (I had to train for roughly 6 months to qualify for live-steel, but some guilds use a quick half-hour primer.) After some initial strikes, the poor guy asked out loud "are you supposed to die or am I?" (noone was), since the audience heard him, I gathered up my Galloglas character and shouted "I'm paid to die!" and proceeded to look as menacing as possible while bringing my swordplay down to his level. Things worked out well, Prince Edward showed up and interrupted the fun by declaring the Lord Ui'Niall hostage :p . The whole royal army of England only outnumbered us 10,000 to 1, but the Lord Ui'Niall ordered us to obey.
All in all we kept the crowds interested and the Girls managed to add to the fun by hiding huge chunks of bread in their
Liene sleeves and hurling the bread at the Englishmen. (a pity Lacey was;nt there, she usually carries a gun and threatens the Englishmen alongside us. All in All we had a very fun very active day.