What a day.
plan was to show up at the school at 8:00 to help watch the front desk while the kids went to go see the new Narnia movie.
THat was the plan.
Turns out my trunk was ajar the whole night and I had no battery power. Having been reminded about my car's roadside asstance warranty, I called Hyundai and got informed that a tow would be avaibel in an hour :p Terribly upset, but unable to blame anyone but myself; I just sat there and waited.
After an hour and a half, I got an call from a Hyundai rep asking me how the tow went. I told her the tow had'nt happened so the rep called the Two company....who cancled the tow. I've had issues with towing companys, but I've never had one decide that they are'nt gonna tow me after all. THey tried to set me up with another tow, but by then my sister had come home with jumper cables. (much thanks to a wonderful sister)
All that drama aside, I found myself showing up at the school quite a bit later than expected. I then proceeded to handle th office for a couple hours until the students and staff returned. 1st and 2nd grade and the preK-preschool department did'nt go see the movie, so I had plenty to do.
THat's when the gifts started arriving..as it was the last day of school I suppose that's normal. I always figured that a few presents were exchanged at christmas, but I had no idea how different it was for a private school.
It was nuts I'm talking parent's popping up everywhere trying to find the next teacher or staff person on thier list. As the new teacher and a part time one, I got off lite with only a few gifts that had a lot of heart behind them....but our poor secretary needed a handcart.
My theory is that this is a side-effect of the Christmas attitude the school carries with it. I've never seen a group of people more excited about christmas. The whole school is so jazzed, you would think Jesus himself was about to walk trough the door. (which would totally kitt arse, btw). I think this is a good attitude to have, but is so complete that even my church does'nt seem as excited about christmas as these people. I find that even myself is looking foward to christmas more than usual...It's infectious.
The reviews of the peopel who saw narnia was intresting as well. The girls loved it, the boys tought it did'nt have enough gore. (They actually said gore...not just blood, they wanted internal organs...ewwww)THe parent's, of course, felt that the battle scene was too violent.
The talk about the need for gore with the boys revealed something: Half of them own Grand Theft Auto 3. FOr thsoe who have'nt expiernced it, this was the most contversial game ever when it came out, designed solely for schock value. It seems many of the kids play games in their room and their parent's have'nt a clue as to the content.
Just how bad is GTA3? Let me put it this way, you recharge your health by sleeping with prositutes, but you can't always get the money back...you jsut have to beat the prositute to death with your bare hands..or with a crowbar.
THis is a private christian school....how can we shape these kids when they have stuff like this? It sends a contrdictory message.
Well there you go, a praise and a rant. It was defintly a good day though and I'm very happy.
good site for rating video games: