Herding Cats
Oh what is the power of Marcie York that I cannot say no to her? Once again, my former boss got me to volunteer to babysit for the church meeting. I was assgined to Preschool this time around, trying to altertavily apply discipline and massage fragile Egos at the same time. Two to four year olds are always an intresting task, as they really don't have the concept of group behavior down..making them wonderfully idepent and woefully destructive. Some fond moments:
* the swtiching of shoes amongst the girls
* The atempts to sneak past the workers and make a run for the other rooms of the nursery
* The kamakazie run by one student into a pile of jungle gyms parts that were under construction..comepletly unaware of the danger. I've never ran so fast in my life
* The Magic of the Camera that showed pictures of pupies
* The random hugs :)
*Sitting in a chair as big as my shoe
All in all I had a lot of fun and enjoyed myself immensely. It's really easy to love Preschoolers and I think everyone got a chance to be remebered fondly (for a day at least)This was also the first event where we were able to feed everyone without pannicing.
* the swtiching of shoes amongst the girls
* The atempts to sneak past the workers and make a run for the other rooms of the nursery
* The kamakazie run by one student into a pile of jungle gyms parts that were under construction..comepletly unaware of the danger. I've never ran so fast in my life
* The Magic of the Camera that showed pictures of pupies
* The random hugs :)
*Sitting in a chair as big as my shoe
All in all I had a lot of fun and enjoyed myself immensely. It's really easy to love Preschoolers and I think everyone got a chance to be remebered fondly (for a day at least)This was also the first event where we were able to feed everyone without pannicing.