Viselia 2006
Ahh..the aniversery of the duck.
In celebration of my last Viselia Faire I started off with costuming problems. I had been working non-stop on my costume for 2 solid weeks and had managed to get caught halfway between everything. I had an Ionar, but no Peblums, Shoes that needed to be resewed and severly ripped trews. Not to mention a squian that was little more than a prop and a Liene that needs some major adjustments. In my favor this is a far better conditionthan I showed up to in Fresno City, but far from my Goals.
All that aisde, we came to Viselia to play and play hard. Viselia has always been an active if unlucky faire for our guild and we were determined not to have another Injuryfest like last year. It was also a faire to introduce two new ghillies, Aidiann and Fergus to the faire. We were rewarded with what was defintly a busier faire, with the ghillies sallying out on raids and the keathern commiting some trouble of thier own. The galloglaich got thier share of battle and some were even given the chance to play rearguard to a superior (well, maybe not) force. We also spent a goodly amount of time playing with St. Matthias, who had been promoted to 16th century version of the deparment of homeland security.
Altough I am now heavily sunburnt, I managed to enjoy myself immesnly. My Ionar is for the most part done, I still can't stand wearing the thing. I just hating putting a jacket over the chainmail.
In celebration of my last Viselia Faire I started off with costuming problems. I had been working non-stop on my costume for 2 solid weeks and had managed to get caught halfway between everything. I had an Ionar, but no Peblums, Shoes that needed to be resewed and severly ripped trews. Not to mention a squian that was little more than a prop and a Liene that needs some major adjustments. In my favor this is a far better conditionthan I showed up to in Fresno City, but far from my Goals.
All that aisde, we came to Viselia to play and play hard. Viselia has always been an active if unlucky faire for our guild and we were determined not to have another Injuryfest like last year. It was also a faire to introduce two new ghillies, Aidiann and Fergus to the faire. We were rewarded with what was defintly a busier faire, with the ghillies sallying out on raids and the keathern commiting some trouble of thier own. The galloglaich got thier share of battle and some were even given the chance to play rearguard to a superior (well, maybe not) force. We also spent a goodly amount of time playing with St. Matthias, who had been promoted to 16th century version of the deparment of homeland security.
Altough I am now heavily sunburnt, I managed to enjoy myself immesnly. My Ionar is for the most part done, I still can't stand wearing the thing. I just hating putting a jacket over the chainmail.