Excellent day today. The networker team seemed to be in a better mood today. All the guys except for myself are on a backpacking trip with the junior and senior high school guys. I'm feeling a little overinduated with feminsim, but I'll survive. We've decided on trekking up to yosimite this weekend if we can. I'll have to get the guys organized when they come back.
Other than that our bubble study (Joan of Arc for the 1-3rd graders) went well and my teamates were a huge help as always. We did a skit on Joan's calling and her battle at Orleans. (We had to leave out the whole burning at the stake for wearing pants thing) The girls seemed to like the idea of a christian woman who fought and they all enjoyed whacking me with a big PVC and Foam sword for the activity. We had a great time and enjoyed ourselves immensly. A big bonus came at the end when we went to our cars and found the Em's host dad had filled her car with a couple hundred balloons as a joke.
I'm gonna miss this summer so much. I've learned alot about assoicating and (gulp) relying on others as well as leaving things in God hands. I'm gonna miss my fellow networkers terribly, especially those whom I won't see afterwards. Who knew so many christians like me where in this area?